Bisque Vinyl Flooring H4860

Bisque Vinyl Flooring from the Polysafe Hydro range is a safety vinyl flooring range combining the assurance of sustainable slip resistance with high durability for years of performance in continually wet, barefoot & shod areas. Available in either a traditional or multi-chip design, the range features safety aggregates in the vinyl and a raised pimple emboss for added grip and underfoot safety, to create a safe interior in commercial or residential areas. Highly suited to disabled adaptations.



Polysafe Hydro fully conforms with HSE & UK Slip Group Guidelines and meets the requirements of the European Safety Flooring Standard – EN 13845, class ESb & ESf.

Following an individual assessment from BRE Global, Polysafe Hydro achieves an A+ rating in major sectors such as health, education and retail (ENP 472).

Polysafe Hydro is 100% recyclable through the Recofloor scheme and contains recycled material.

Ideally suited for heavy traffic areas with continual water spillage, whether in commercial or residential settings.

BoQ Specification

Supply and install 2.00mm x 2.00m Polysafe Hydro flexible PVC sheet flooring in 2.0mm thickness and will contain a selection of the following safety aggregates to impart enhanced slip resistance: silicon carbide, coloured quartz, natural recycled aggregates and aluminium oxide granules, the flooring shall feature a high quality, cross-linked polyurethane reinforcement to provide superior cleaning benefits and installed with Polyflor recommended adhesive which has been spread using an A2 notched trowel on a previously prepared Class 1 subfloor in accordance with SANS 10070, using a Polyflor recommended self-leveller and moisture barrier when required, including all cutting and waste, rolling the installed sheeting in both directions with a 68kg three-sectional roller immediately after it has been laid into the adhesive, joints must be butted, U-shape grooved and heat welded using Polyflor’s matching welding rod ensuring that the welding rod bonds to more than 2/3rds of the sheet in thickness, available from Polyflor (011) 609 3500.

  • Colour: Bisque
  • Code: H4860
  • Weld Rod: 4860

Technical Product Compliance

  • BRE Global A+ Rated Product (Certificate No: ENP 472) in major use areas such as healthcare & education *
  • Raised emboss safety flooring, suitable for barefoot continually wet & shod areas
  • Independently assessed by British Board of Agrement with product performance assured for at least 10 years in recommended use areas
  • 8 colourways suited to use area
  • Fully HSE compliant – 36+ TRL/4S Pendulum (wet test)
  • Coloured quartz, aluminium oxide, silicon carbide particles & natural recycled aggregates incorporated in the vinyl to improve traction and safety underfoot
  • Sustainable wet slip resistance assured throughout the guaranteed life of the product.

Comprehensive Specification

Supply and install Polysafe Hydro flexible PVC sheet flooring in 2.0mm thickness and will contain a selection of the following safety aggregates to impart enhanced slip resistance: silicon carbide, coloured quartz, natural recycled aggregates and aluminium oxide granules, the flooring material shall fully conform with the European Norm for safety flooring – EN 13845, in respect of flame spread, the flooring shall be categorised as Class Bfl-S1 according to EN 13501-1, the flooring shall have been fully tested to ASTM E648 by an independent test house and have a Class 1 rating, making it suitable for use in institutional, commercial and public buildings, the flooring must have been fully tested by an independent test house to the RRL Pendulum Test (Slider 55/96 Rubber) and have results of ≥36 in the wet, with a surface roughness of Rz ≥20μm, making it suitable for use in areas where enhanced slip resistance is required in barefoot or shod conditions, a result of Class B to AS 4586 Part C & DIN 51097 should be achieved. The product should be certified as R10 to DIN 51130, the flooring shall meet the water tightness requirements in EN 13553, meaning suitability for installation in special wet areas, the product must have been fully tested for abrasion resistance to EN 13845, passing the 50,000 cycles test and also meeting EN 660-2 Abrasion Group P, this product should not accumulate static charges above 2kV and is classified as ‘antistatic’ when tested to EN 1815. For specialist applications where there is a requirement to dissipate the electrostatic charge, see the Polyflor ESD product ranges, the flooring shall possess a valid Agrément certificate when laid in accordance with the instructions of Polyflor, with coved skirtings and welded joints, the flooring must be available in 2.0 metre width, to minimise the number of joints, the flooring must be suitable for Use Area Classification 23/34/43, as defined in EN ISO 10874 (EN 685), in respect of light fastness, the flooring shall have been fully tested to ISO 105-B02 Method 3 and obtain ≥6.

  • Colour: Bisque
  • Code: H4860
  • Weld Rod: 4860

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